"What do you want of me Lord? Where do you want me to serve You?" CONTACT INFORMATION (Required): CH RCH -- without U we're not complete! Please prayerfully consider how you may begin or continue to share your gifts, talents and skills with your parish in our parish ministries and programs.
Are you currently serving in one or more ministries?
Yes No If you are currently serving in one or more ministries, please list them in the box below:
Do you wish to continue in your current ministries?
Yes No N/A (Please continue below for ministry sign-ups) Preferred Mass Time
4:00 PM, Saturday 7:00 AM, Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM, Sunday INFORMATION KEY: (a) Requires some training and final approval by Pastor or Rectory Staff.
(b) Approved and scheduled by Minister Lead/Coordinator.
(c) Appointed or selected by Pastor or Pastoral Associate
(d) Elected by parishioners.
1. If there is no letter next to the ministry, sign-up only is required. A coordinator will be in contact with you very soon.
2. Coordinator Points of Contacts may be found in the bulletin if you wish to make contact at your convenience.
Spiritual Life/Worship —This ministry initiates and coordinates helping persons grow in faith. It gives special attention to how we worship and celebrate the Liturgy at Our Lady of Hope; how our community welcomes new members, and how our family life is strengthened in our parish. “This is how you are to pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name..."--Mathew 6:9
For more information contact the Spiritual Life/Worship Leader:
Adoration Chapel Team (b) (your own holy, peaceful, quiet hour with our Lord) Alter Server (a) Children's Choir (b) Christ Renews His Parish Team (CHRP) (a) Communion to Hospital or Homebound (a) Cursillo / Ultreya Divine Mercy Prayer Group (b) (meets before 5:30 Mass each Tuesday praying the Chaplet) Eucharistic Minister (a) Greeter (b) Lector (a) Lady's Choir (b) Men's Choir (b) Presenter of Gifts (b) RCIA Team (a) Youth Choir (b) Youth Band (b) Youth Group Team (b and c) Community Outreach/Catholic Social Concerns Commission— this commission coordinates the ministries of pastoral care, social service, evangelization, peace and justice. Its scope included outreach within the parish and the larger community, local and beyond. We will work to educate the parishioners to be aware of each person's responsibility to recognize and serve those in need, to give witness to Christian love, and to challenge injustice. This commission oversees the ministries below. Mission Statement--To promote the word of Jesus Christ by helping those who are in need, following the basic principle that "whatever you do to the least of my people, you do unto Me." --Matthew 25:40
Strategic Objective--To bring together under one umbrella all parish ministries whose focus is to reach out to individuals in need; physically and pastorally, to work together and to help each other carry out the missions of the individual ministries. To recruit additional volunteers to serve on these ministries, continue with development of organizational structure and to identify improvements that can be made to better serve those in need.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
a stranger and you welcomed me,
naked and you clothed me,
ill and you cared for me,
in prison and you visited me."--Matt 25:35-26
For more information contact the Community Outreach/Catholic Social Concerns Leader: Beth Browning (812) 486-5783
Welcoming Committee (b) Fellowship Committee (b) MINISTRY TO THE POOR:
St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Youth Group Feed My Sheep Food Bank Heaven's Kitchen Jubilee Christmas MINISTRY TO THE SICK:
Hospital/Communion Visits Nursing Home/Communion Visits Homebound Communion GRIEF MINISTRY:
Bereavement Meals Caring and Sharing RESPECT FOR LIFE:
Right to Life (includes education & awareness) OTHER MINISTRIES AND GROUPS
Prison Ministry Young Married Couples Hispanic and Haitian Liaison Legion of Mary Boys / Girls Scouts Knights of Columbus Daughters of Isabella Faith Formation and Education — This ministry addresses the educational mission of the entire parish community: adults, young persons, and children. Passing on our faith tradition is of great importance! "...for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.
And the victory that conquers the world is our faith."--1 John 5:4
"Happy the one who finds wisdom,
the one who gains understanding!
Her profit is better than profit in silver,
and better than gold is her revenue;
She is more precious than corals,
and no treasure of yours can compare with her."--Proverbs 3:13-15
For more information contact the Faith Formation / Education Leader:
Children's Liturgy of the Word (b) (leaders & helpers wanted; 9:00AM Mass only) CHRP Candidate (b) Parent Volunteer (a) Sunday Morning Program Teacher (a) Vacation Bible School Leader/Worker (a) Youth Minister (c) Finance, Administration, and Stewardship — This ministry assists the Pastor in the preparation of the yearly budget and sustains ongoing development of the parish community by providing the necessary administrative and financial skills. It concerns itself with all parish resources and the effective use and maintenance of all parish facilities. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.
Since you were faithful in small matters,
I will give you great responsibilities.
Come, share your master’s joy.’ --Matthew 25:23
"As each one has received a gift,
use it to serve one another
as good stewards of God’s varied grace." --1 Peter 4:10
For more information contact the Finance/Admin/Stewardship Leader: Karen SIpes (812) 254-9093
Building and Grounds Maintenance Volunteers (b) Cemetery Maintenance Volunteers (b) Church decorating/Cleaning (c) Fundraiser Volunteer / Helper (b) (e.g., bingo, special events, fundraisers, etc.)